The program

As a new resident, your journey will start with the mandatory three months program, which is currently being formed by several seasoned program experts. It is co-created and will be peer-reviewed by organisations such as the Ekskäret Foundation, Emerge, Perspectiva and The Inner Development Goals. 

The goal of the program is to:

  1. Give residents a wider perspective and understanding of the systemic challenges of our time
  2. Help them see how they can be of even better service and increase their impact in their field
  3. Enable them to better tell the story of why inner development is a key for human and planetary flourishing
  4. Equip them with a fundamental level of embodied wisdom and practices of the dimensions of inner development
  5. The program also serves as a training and an onboarding into a mature and personally developing way of community living

For the first three months you will go through a mostly peer-facilitated curriculum together with your cohort of 10-20 people. The first week of the program will be an immersive introductory experience where the entire cohort will go out to the private island of Ekskäret. 

After this, there will be five modules each lasting for two weeks, requiring a time commitment of 3-4h/week. Each module follows the rhythm of starting with a full cohort transmission, transcends into a peer-facilitated process in pods of 4 people (this will also be your sharing group and will stay the same throughout the program), and closes with a full cohort sense-making and sharing of the experience and learnings.

The modules follow the framework and five dimensions of the Inner Development Goals: Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating, and Acting. Some of the themes and topics of the modules include Meta-modernism & technology, non-violent communication, self-leadership, integral theory, compassionate leadership, and more.

After the mandatory three months program, residents can stay up to three years.

A cozy, loving and joyful home

As much as we are here to both grow and make a difference, this is also your home for the time you are here. This is a place to relax, rejuvenate, connect, laugh, cry, and be whatever expressive version of yourself that you want or need to be. It's a safe and brave space for you to explore, live and learn. 

Authenticity, joy and loving compassion are values at our core, that we not only talk about but aim to embody. Every day. With a culture rooted in that, we want to build and maintain the psychological safety that enables us to truly be ourselves. Where our comfort zone expands and we dare to push ourselves and try new ways of being, relating, thinking, collaborating and acting. 

As one of the early residents in 2025 you will play a crucial role in establishing the seeds of this culture, that will hopefully flourish and last for years, if not decades to come.

A co-created and self-organized community

We are all part of creating the life experience we want to have, together. The community has its own sociocratic structure and decision-making process for changes, ideas or new initiatives. It also has its own economy where part of the program fee goes to a shared house budget. That means that if you have a dream or an idea of anything you want to do or create for the community, you can get your initiative funded, form a working group with others passionate about the idea, and make it a reality! It could be anything from organizing an event, creating a new art installation, buy new equipment or instruments, build a music/pod studio or an infrared sauna in the basement.

Self-organizing also means that we all are caretakers for the space and the community. When you become a member you will be expected to choose 1-2 roles that you will be leading. Depending on your current capacity, it could be anything from watering the plants, to organizing regular lightning talk events.

No matter your background, age or expertise, in here we are all humbly equals coming together for something greater than ourselves.

A beautiful campus

With up to 100 people, living here will feel like a small village. Physically it's a campus on a small peninsula surrounded by water with several houses and spaces. There's a cozy café and restaurant from the 17th century, a beautiful deck for sunbathing and swimming in the lake (ice-skating in the winters), a beach, our own private sauna raft, a large greenhouse, an outdoor gym, outdoor public swimming pool, a tennis court and a beach volleyball court, a stunning lakeside forest walking/running path, and several beautiful currently empty houses right by the water that could be turned into art/music studios or retreat centers. At the center of all of this lies our main property of 6000m2 facing south with stunning lake views. 

The apartments

The property is all connected but divided into a few different sections or wings. In total there are 52 fully equipped and furnished apartments (renovations in progress) with own bathroom and kitchen or kitchenette. They range in size from 25-50m2 and all will have brand new flooring and painted walls. Most apartments will be occupied by a single resident or a couple, a few will be shared and offered at a lower cost. Every wing has around 10 apartments together with its own larger communal kitchen and hang-out space.

Residential structure

As a resident you will be part of a core pod of 4-5 people, your cohort of 15-25 people that you will go through the program with, and also the wing in which you live. Your pod group will be the people you will engage with the most through the peer-facilitated program, and regular sharing circles. 

There will also be a weekly open schedule where any resident can offer and schedule activities or events. It could be anything from a morning yoga session to a workshop on how to amplify your life and work with AI, movie nights, improv theatre, spiritual practices, lightning talks, community dinners, holiday celebrations, art sessions, house concerts, and much much more. Anything you'd like to either offer or are curious to explore with others.

Shared spaces

There are several large communal spaces for the entire residential community, such as a large living room with a home cinema system, a sauna raft on the lake, cozy fire place lounge, gym, yoga room, meditation room, café corner and co-working space, and a spectacular library and event space. There's also an entire basement that could be turned into literally anything.

We also have a small fleet of shared e-bikes and a fully electric Wolksvagen van for excursions, available for all residents to use.

A space for the public

This is not only a space for its residents to thrive and evolve. Our vision is to become a globally renowned hub and center where we are in service of the collective evolution. A space and culture that many people will feel a sense of belonging to.

That means that there are some spaces that are "semi-public". There is a clear border and distinction between them and the residential spaces, in order to create psychological safety for us residents. All of the "semi-public" spaces are in one end of the property with their own entrance. Here there are three different large rooms. We currently call them the café, library, and workshop room. These are also used as co-working spaces and event spaces for residents.

Here, you as resident can book and use these spaces. You can host and invite people for your workshops, events or gatherings. If they are commercial events, a share of the revenue will go to the community budget. The only prerequisite is that your events will be open for residents to join.

Here, the idea is also that the community will host regular events and gatherings where friends and a larger extended community is welcomed. It could be anything from regular lightning talks, bringing in renowned speakers, open stage or concert nights, holistic wellbeing events, or holiday celebrations.

The idea is that this is not an isolated community existing for the wellbeing and development of only its residents. This is a community existing with the purpose of playing an impactful role in the collective evolution of our world and society.